The club’s tagging program, established in 1986, serves two purposes: to compile scientific data as to the migration and growth rate of Striped Bass. We also get the pleasure of communicating with the angler who recaptures the fish that are released. For those who tag all the bass that they catch, the data can also be used as a fishing log of the fish that you release.
We use a Floy FT-2 style of dart tag . This tag suits us well for tagging in the wide range of circumstances that we tag in. Some other tagging systems have a higher return rate but require more effort to employ the tag and results in more physical damage to the tagged bass.
Currently we have close to 42,000 stripers swimming free with BSC tags attached. Our programs data is provided to various scientific research and state authorities. This information over time will give everyone more data as to growth rates, migrations patterns and the condition of the fish stocks for the future.
The BSC will provide tags to members only and at a reduced rate for the first 100 tags ordered per calendar year. If the total ordered for the year is over 100 tags, please ensure you select the >100 ordered tags options only.
**Tags and Tagging Needles for BSC Members only**
BSC Tags and Tagging Needle - 2023
25 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) $12.50 USD
50 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) $25.00 USD
75 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) $37.50 USD
100 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) $50.00 USD
25 Tags (>100 ordered tags) $22.00 USD
50 Tags (>100 ordered tags) $45.00 USD
75 Tags (>100 ordered tags) $67.50 USD
100 Tags (>100 ordered tags) $90.00 USD
Tagging Needle $15.00 USD
To report a tag return or have a question related to our tagging program please email or call Dan Nimetz at 908-451-5663.
Tagging Member Info
1. Tags can be purchased from Dan Nimetz.. Cards can be be supplied with the tags for record- keeping purposes.
2. Enter the tag number on the cards and staple the tag to each card. Keep your tagging needle loaded at all times to reduce the time it takes you to tag, measure and release the fish.
3. The tags you purchase are recorded in your name so we can determine who has what tags if we get a return before you turn in your information.
4. Tag fish above the lateral line and behind the dorsal fin. This will allow you to tag the fish in a less harmful area. Note: Try to handle the fish as little as possible and return the fish as quickly as possible. Please remember the warmer the water is, the more stress you are putting on the fish. Spend more time reviving the fish caught in warmer water. This helps reduce the mortality rate of released fish. Link to Illustrated Tagging Instructions.
5. After releasing the fish please complete the card with the date, length and location. Do not rely on memory. Punch the holes on the card for size, date and month prior to reloading your needle.
6. Return the filled out cards or an accurate list to Dan Nimetz at a club meeting or mail them to him:
Dan Nimetz
BSC Tagging
3422 Quaker St.
Wall, NJ 07719
7. Anyone wishing to have a printout of your personal results let me know and I will print them for you.
8. When the club receives a tag return we contact the person and get as much information that we can and supply the person with as much info as we have recorded and reward the person with a letter with the release statistics and a patch. The letter from the person returning the tag will be then returned to you so you can keep it. The tag result will also be announced at a meeting and will be on our website in the future.
9. Any further questions feel free to call Dan Nimetz at 908-451-5663.
10. The latest costs are .50 cents each for tags (0-100 ordered tags annually) and $15 dollars per tagging needle.
25 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) - $12.50
50 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) - $25.00
75 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) - $37.50
100 Tags (0-100 ordered tags) - $50.00
25 Tags (>100 ordered tags) - $21.25
50 Tags (>100 ordered tags) - $42.50
75 Tags (>100 ordered tags) - $63.75
100 Tags (>100 ordered tags) - $85.00
Tagging Needle - $15.00
Length, General location (i.e. Raritan Bay, Monmouth County Surf, or off sandy hook are great. No need to burn your specific spot) date, and tag number
This is for members of the BSC tagging program to report their tagged fish. You can email the file to