"Berkeley Breakfast on the Beach" is an annual event started in 2011. Held between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM on IBSP at Area 21.
For those with beach buggies and a pass drive on up…for those without you can drive into IBSP and proceed to the parking lot marked A21. There is ample parking and restroom facilities. Just follow the path to the beach and look for the group of fishermen having breakfast next to the surf.
The Club provides coffee, orange juice, water, juice boxes, donuts, muffins, bagels, porkroll/egg/cheese sandwiches and other assorted breakfast items. Feel free to bring anything you would like...…homemade specialties are always appreciated.
Notification of cancellation due to weather will be posted on our BSC Facebook page.
If we are lucky, the fish will beaching themselves looking for breakfast.