The BSC Intra club awards have been presented annually as member only awards recognizing outstanding catches during the calendar year. Awards are presented for multiple species for surf and boat angling, including striped bass, bluefish, fluke, weakfish and tautog.
In addition over the years awards have been presented for the largest striped bass (Eddie Blase' Trophy), Surfcaster of the Year, Boat Angler of the Year and additional Tagging Awards for the most and largest tagged striped bass. In 2020 the club decided the Eddie Blase' award for the largest striped bass would be judged based solely on length.
Any questions related to the BSC Intra club awards please contact Craig Lorenz (732) 575-4496.
BSC Intra Club Standings 6-6-24 (pdf)
DownloadIntra Club Rules (pdf)